You can schedule a home pickup for free, drop the package in a mailbox, or drop it off at your post office.Make sure that it is completely covered with tape so that the label is protected from rain, snow, and scratches. Tape the postage onto your package with clear packing tape.I often find that this works best on Safari on my Mac. If you are having problems printing, you may find that it is easier to save and then print the PDF. You will get to a screen where you can save your postage label as a PDF or print it.

How to Print and Ship With a Flat-Rate Mailer You will not need to know postal zones for this method. Once you have your flat-rate shipping package ready, you can print your postage in a few easy steps. Keep in mind that there are often more styles and sizes of packaging available online than in the post offices themselves.

You can order them online from the USPS online store (with free shipping) or stop by a local post office and grab some. Another benefit is that you will not have to buy your own packaging-the envelopes and boxes are free. You don't have to weigh your package, so no scale is needed to use the flat-rate print-at-home option.